Thursday, 31 October 2013

Lately, my grandfather passed away and we were unable to decide how and when to organise the funeral. Because not everyone could make it to Canterbury, Melbourne to say goodbye to grandpa. He had a great stature in the society, and everyone would have surely wanted to attend the funeral. But due to some reason few of our friends and relatives couldn’t make it to attend the ceremony.
Yet, we wanted to make sure most of them do. And to make the funeral most memorable, I started making some quick efforts. While browsing the internet for new ideas, I came across a very novel concept for the ceremony. I’d never imagined that technology could play such a useful role in organising a funeral. Certainly mankind has come a lot ahead of the way we used to do certain things, not long back, just a decade ago.

"We used technology to pay homage to my beloved grandpa’s departed soul; and it was just awesome." Really, because while some mourners gathered at the funeral home to pay their last tribute, my uncle’s family in Wollongong, NSW and some other close family friends in Perth watched a streaming video of the funeral ceremony online. The funeral directors who helped us organise so innovative last rites were hired through Funeral Organiser and I am extremely glad the way they managed everything.

A funeral director’s business is a solemn profession bound by tradition, but as people are getting used to living more and more of their daily life online, Web-savvy entrepreneurs and funeral directors are leveraging the technology for everyone’s benefit.

Although, individual web users have been creating videos and digital animations to pay tribute to their friends and relatives since the early days of the Internet. But, the trend of digital farewells is in its earliest stages, and it’s not surprising that funeral directors in Melbourne have embraced the emerging technology.

Modern funeral ceremonies are a combination of traditional and digital elements. Funeral directors in Melbourne can deliver a memorable experience that the deceased’s family will remember for rest of their lives, by amplifying their tribute to the life that is being celebrated, like they did for us!!!

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